Monday, January 10, 2011

Artika Sari Dewi Beautiful Puteri Indonesia

Artika Sari Devi was born in Pangkal Pinang, Bangka-Belitung Islands, at September 29, 1979. She became Puteri Indonesia (Miss Indonesia Pageant) 2004 when she was 25 years old, represented Kepulauan Bangka Belitung, and crowned on August 6, 2004, in the Jakarta Converntion Center. She represented Indonesia in 2005 Miss Universe Pageant. She made into the top fifteen, competed in the Evening Gown Competition but failed to make the top ten.

Artika Sari Devi is pleasing as well as clever. She’s additionally unapproachable of her nation as well as wants to assistance impecunious children.A inhabitant idol then. Someone to admire as well as applaud.Well, not exactly. Because this beauty black is additionally hated by a little small-minded people for her without protection crime of her, looming in a 2005 Miss Universe beauty manifestation wearing a swimsuit!This was a initial time in scarcely a decade which an Indonesian had appeared in a contest. And it caused a satisfactory volume of controversy, with protests staged by a little Indonesian Muslim groups.

The Indonesia Ulemas Council even called a competition “pornography.”And this after a bad lady even done a benefaction not to wear a some-more divulgence bikini.But as Artika says, a competition is about some-more than only clothes.And if it comes downs to brains, there is a single thing which is certain: she’s a lot cleverer than a idiots who impugn her!


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