Payudara Masayu Anastasia Sexy Actress Indonesia
Anastasia Masayu born 19 January 1984. He is known as a model, artist and film star sinetron the big screen.Who has ever played, among others, ABG, GENSI GEDE-GEDEAN, HARUSKAN KU MATI, LAILA, KARUNIA-MU, SETETES EMBUN, DOIKU BEKEN, CINTA MERAH JAMBU serta film BURUAN CIUM GUE.Former boyfriend actor Jonathan Frizzy this, been involved in love with the location Hengky Kurniawan time with star, film BURUAN CIUM GUE. Although not a long time and then, the relationship that ended with the separation.Masayu a relationship with the next Wiworo Lembu Jati, vocalist Clubeighties music group. Masayu - Lembu married on 6 July 2008, with a simple party.Masayu Anastasia a relationship with the next Wiworo Lembu Jati, the Clubeighties music vocalist group. Masayu Anastasia - Lembu married on 6 July 2008, with a simple party.Not long to hear people say, the children Masayu Anastasia are pregnant first. In the first pregnancy, the husband, even Lembu Protective enough. He was not allowed to cook, worrying things happen that are not desired.
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