Payudara Sexy Marissa Nasution
Complete name: Marissa Nasution
Nickname : vj marissa
Place / Date borns: jakarta / 08 februaries 1986
Zodiac: aquarius
tall: 174 cm
Hair colour: Deep brown
Eye colour: Brown
Brother total: 2 (younger brothers, carina and juliette)
Education: High school and university in germany (finance and law)
- Fashion and runway model in jakarta
- Fashion and runway model in singapore
- Fashion and runaway model in mud estuary.
- vj mtv indonesia
- Acting (syuting 2 films now)
- MC
- Model
- Write scenario and article
- Travel asia around and europe
- Sleeping when do i get the time
Fashion model since 2005 vj mtv indonesia since february 2007
Movies: Namaku Dick (2008)
FTV: Ojek Bang Jeck (2008),Naga Bukan Bonar (2008)
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